
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Everything You Want

How, exactly, did it get to be March already? The good news: Everything You Want (my new novel, not actually everything you want) will be on the shelves in just a few weeks now. The bad news: all that stuff I meant to do to get ready for it. Like blogging about how fabulous it is, asking other people to blog about how fabulous it is, asking people I know (and some I don’t) to write about it or talk about it on their radio or TV shows (or, better yet, put me on their radio or TV shows so I can talk about it) because it’s so fabulous. The simple thought of which never fails to channel my mom’s voice, straight from the grave, reminding me, “Don’t brag, don’t put yourself forward, and for God’s sake, whatever you do, don’t ask anyone for help.”

I am Midwestern, which makes all this considerably worse. Not to mention, an introvert—with the social skills of a newt.

Then this morning, just when I was thinking how lame it was that it was already March and I’d done virtually nothing I promised myself to do and was now googling mindlessly, still avoiding it, the cosmos offered up “Shrinking Violet Promotions: Marketing for Introverts.”

It offers brilliant advice, plus the benefit of commiseration. No kidding. The absolute best thing of all was that the at-first-glance daunting entry titled “Marketing Tasks: Five or Six Months Out—Making Your Words Work for You” was mostly about stuff various writers, including the author of the piece, might have done to promote the books—but had dropped the ball on. Just like me.

Suddenly, things seem possible.

So, okay. Here goes:

Eighteen-year-old Emma’s trying to survive total humiliation and heartbreak after getting ditched and punched in the face by her (ex) best friend and crush-of-a-lifetime. Now she’s struggling with major post-high school stress, a lame social life, and tighter jeans from a few extra anxiety pounds. Then one lucky lotto ticket comes along, and everything changes for the better—or does it? Now that she and her (mostly) functional family are fabulously rich, life is a bigger mess than ever before.

Everything You Want is the story of a young woman trying to figure out what she needs, when suddenly she can have everything she wants.

Anyone out there want a review copy? It really is…


Sorry, Mom.

I had to say that. I know it’s only pretty good.

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