
Monday, September 29, 2008

Waiting for the Redeye

I'm at the Portland (Oregon) Airport, waiting for the redeye--heading home after yesterday's Kidlitosphere Blogging Conference. Wow! I learned a lot. Every single presentation was focused and full of practical, inspiring ideas; everyone was wonderfully friendly; and my suitcase is loaded with books by YA bloggers that I can't wait to read. (I'd list them, but they're in my checked suitcase, and I'm too brain-dead to remember names and titles at the moment.)

Today my friend (and former high school student/future blogger) Dan Patterson and his wonderful daughter Kate took me on a book tour of Portland. We visited Annie Bloom's Books, where the very excellent people on duty pulled up Everything You Want and Wish You Were Here on the computer. and ordered them on the spot. We also found some cool sticker books for Kate, who's five. We visited Broadway Books, 23rd Street Books, Powell's Books (where I signed two copies of Wish You Were Here) and A Children's Place Book Store (where we found even cooler stickers, glittery cats). We rewarded Kate--who was quite a trouper--with a pastry treat, then hit Murder by the Book just for fun.

I can't believe I packed so much into one weekend and really hope I'll be able to sleep on the plane!

1 comment:

  1. Barbara, I am so glad you were able to attend the conference and so sad not to talk with you more. It is the down side of being the co-chair. I look forward to reading your blog. You remind me to that I must make a trip to Annie Bloos, been ages since I was there.
